Flight Instructor – FI

Flight Instructor – FI

Flight Instructor – FI

The aim of the FI Rating course is to train pilots to the level of proficiency necessary to enable them to operate as FI.

Pre-Entry Requirements

  • Valid EASA CPL
  • Have at least two hundred (200) hrs total flight time of which one hundred and fifty (150) hrs as PIC incl. 5 hrs last 6 months
  • Holder of a valid EASA Medical Certificate Class I
  • Pass a pre -entry Flight Test and Interview by Head of Training

Course Duration

The duration of the course is two (2) months.

Theoretical Training

The theoretical training’s aim is to prepare the future FI on teaching and learning methods. Student psychology and various teaching technique will be covered in the 125 hrs Ground School. During ground school the Trainee Instructor will give a number of lectures to a live audience (active training Students) on various aviation subjects.

Flight Training

The total FI training is completed in thirty (30) hrs, of which five (5) hrs mutual flying will commence with demo student covering briefing /debriefing, evaluation of the student, flight training errors and corrective actions. During the FI training course the FI will be shown all flight basic and advanced exercises and will be instructed on training techniques of teaching.

Course Cost

Items included :

  • Theoretical Training : 125 hrs
  • Flight (SEP) : 30 hrs ( including FI fees)

Items not included :

  • Skill test (SEP) 1,5 hrs
  • HCAA fees
  • HCAA Examiner

Request for quotation at "need more info form".

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