I want to become an Airline pilot. What is required?

In order to become an Airline pilot, you need to have the following qualifications

  • Be at least 17 years of age
  • Sufficient knowledge of English language
  • Hold EASA Medical Certificate Class I *
  • Successful completion of Pre-Entry Assessment (English, Maths & Physics) Tests  **

*An EASA Medical Certificate Class I will be mandatory during the active years of a pilot. It is a full medical check-up and includes a review of medical history, eyesight and hearing check, pulmonary function examination, cardiac function examination, blood and urine analysis test, phychometrics etc. Our Team can guide you throughout the above process.

** English, Maths & Physics Tests are essential for evaluating new cadet's skills, abilities and knowledge in the fundamentals of exact sciences. Necessary guidance and relevant assistance is provided by out training instructors.